Friday, July 11, 2014

Day 55, 11 July

70 visitors

Fred got up at 5 am to make the ferry at 5:30 am. I got up briefly to see the sunrise and went back to bed after he left. I got up at around 8 am since I couldn’t sleep in spite of just a few hours of sleep. I knew it would be a busy day with visitors and Karl and Lori leaving.
Ethan's Boat the Leeward, Cynthia is on board
Got Sac out for her morning walk and business and a shower before the first visitors, a father and son showed up around 10 am for a tour. After them, Karl and I were able to hike down to Cobblestone beach to dump the lobster remains for the seagulls. I brought along the shears to clip the trail as we went. Karl went back to the house and I decided to also clip the Cove trail while still down there. While doing that some other visitors decided to come ashore and I greeted them and escorted them up to the house and gave them a tour. Then the onslaught came with all the people from the ferry arriving. Lori had made a nice breakfast of scrambled eggs with lobster and spinach but I had no time to eat it. So for the next two hours I had nonstop tours to give and gift store sales to do. Eventually Lori thankfully took over some of the gift store duties. Ethan was to leave the island with the ferry and passengers about 1:30 pm and I wanted to go for the ride to meet Fred at the dock at Popham. This way Karl and Lori could have a bit more time on the island on this spectacular warm calm day. I also left them to give any tours and sales while I was gone for 2 hours. I had nothing to eat or drink this entire time.
People climbing up the ladder to get off the boat and onto the dock
I did finally meet up with our overnight guests and chatted briefly with them – they were so kind and understanding seeing how swamped I was with all the visitors. I explained the situation and that I would be back with Fred and we could give them total attention when we got back. So I grabbed an ice tea/lemonade (breakfast/lunch) from the fridge and bolted down to the cove to catch the ferry. They were just loading dinghy loads of people when I got there and waited for the last load to go aboard. In the meantime the visitors were still asking questions and still very interested on life on Seguin. So I continued to talk with them and be the good hostess. The ferry was nearly full and I took a seat next to a nice couple that I had given a tour to and we continued to talk as well as with others who were still full of questions. It was great to see everyone so interested. I enjoyed the warm relaxed ride on the Leeward which was my first time on Ethan’s larger boat. I’m glad I grabbed the drink since my throat was so parched from talking all morning and curbed my hunger a bit. I was able to call and talk to Fred as we approached Popham Fort and was pleasantly surprised that Fred had ordered me a BLT and onion rings to go at Spinney’s which I could get while Ethan switched boats. We got to the dock and had to climb up from the boat on the dock ladder to get off since it was low tide. After I got off I walked down to Spinney’s to get my sandwich. I had a nice surprise as I opened the door and there was Cyndy standing there! After hugs and getting my sandwich she walked back with me to the dock and we chatted. Fred had all the groceries and laundry and gift store stuff loaded ready to go on the lower dock. We waited a little bit for Ethan to come get us in the little boat and I tore into my sandwich and rings with a vengeance since I was so hungry. Got halfway through when Ethan showed up and we took off for Seguin. His fishing party group had showed up and they seemed quite content to have some cold ones in the warm sunshine while he ferried us back with Cyndy who went for the ride. It was a pleasant ride back
Harmless Green Snake Near Sunset Bench
home with a few slapper swells. Called Karl to let him know that we were getting close. Got there and unloaded our stuff and quick hugs to Karl and Lori before they climbed aboard the boat to head back with Cyndy and Ethan. Our overnight guests were down near the Donkey house and greeted us as we dragged up the loads from the beach to the tram. We got the stuff up there and unloaded and packed everything away. We were both exhausted and beat! Fred relaxed outside on the bench for a snooze in the glorious sunshine and I checked the gift store sales and restocked even though I was very tired. We met up with our overnight guests and had a nice chat with them. Later they were having wine on a bench as we were also, with some onion rings, on sunset bench. Fred looked down to see a nice long fat green snake sunning himself in the late sun and we called our guests over to see him. We finally gave them a nice sunset tour of the lighthouse and devoted our full attention to them. We all had a nice view of Mt. Washington after the sun had set.

We retired to the living room and were so tired that we didn’t even eat dinner and just passed out.  It was a very long day for both of us!

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