Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day 68, 24 July

Visitors 25

Fog Detector, Flashes Every 30sec and Looks at Reflected Light
In the night some fog arrived and we got to hear our foghorn toot it’s warning – at last she was working properly! It is not an unpleasant sound – like two tones of A-flat with a few seconds wait and then a repeat. That’s what we fell asleep to in the foggy and rainy night. We got off the island for our weekly shore leave in a gentle morning rain. The seas had calmed down considerably from the day before. I got to wear my LL Bean rain pants for the ride to Popham and they kept me nice and dry though it was hard to tell since I had to wade in the water pretty far in to help steady the boat before we left Seguin. Off to do our chores we went, first the recyclables at the school and to Cyndy’s to fill up the water and onto the Creamery for a bite of breakfast before seeing Catherine in the office. We did pick up some more things for the gift shop that fit in one large bin. We went to Reny’s and got new sheets and pillows for the guest quarters. Fred picked up a wrist brace at Wilson’s and we got a few things at the market in Bath. We went to the launder mat where Fred dropped me off to start the loads and he went off to get some of our groceries – the non perishable stuff. After the laundry we went to the vet’s to get meds for Sacatar and got to see and chat with Susan the vet who came to the island to treat Sac. It was very nice to see her again and chat about our baby.
Fog Signal, Main on Right, Backup on Left
Off we went for a little sight seeing to Baily Island where Fred spent some time as a child.
Nothing much looked familiar to him but we had a nice drive looking at the countryside. We went back to Orr’s Island where we found a cute little place to have lunch of BLT wraps and seafood chowder and sat outside on picnic tables enjoying the beautiful view of the water and puffy clouds in the distance. We went back towards Baily Island to get ice cream at a tiny little local place. We were quite exhausted from lack of sleep and getting up so early to catch the ferry. On the way back to Bath we stopped at a gift shop that was alongside the road. I looked around the charming shop called C. Periwinkle & Co in Harpswell.  I spied some interesting jewelry that were pendants made from maps of the local areas. I asked if she had any of Seguin Island and she didn’t but she said she could make one up. She located our little isle on a map and drew out the oval that would encompass it. She could put little pieces of sea glass or shell to really personalize it. I agreed for her to make it up and would send her some tiny bits of sea glass and shells that I found at Seguin to put in it. What a unique and very meaningful treasure this will be. By this time it was getting a bit late and we raced back towards Popham first stopping at a Shaw’s in Brunswick to finish getting our groceries.
We raced around the store getting our stuff in record time and packed it in the bins and cooler and sped off for Popham and the ferry. We arrived just a few minutes late and Ethan was already there so we unloaded the car and I drove it back to the church and parked. I ran back to the dock and away we went on a nice sunny warm afternoon. It was totally different than our morning run in the rain. We had a pleasant ride back, noticing again the lighthouse on Pond island that was nicely lit again.
We got back to do the usual unloading and loading of our stuff. I did meet a couple that had just toured the lighthouse and they bought a T-shirt. After unpacking we then made up the 4 beds on the overnight guest side since we had guests arriving the next day. We were really tired from our long day and Fred took a nap while I still puttered around. Just before sunset I went out to sunset bench to enjoy the rest of the sunshine and to read a book. The sun going through the clouds was quite dramatic and I took lots of pictures as sunset approached. It was so nice to be back home to enjoy our serenity once again.
Sunset, Note Dark and Light Streaks Reflecting in Ocean to Left of Sun

For dinner we had a salad and pizza to keep it simple from our busy day. A bit of knitting to relax and just barely got one row done before sleepiness took it’s toll. Off to dream of miniature maps and tiny bits of ocean treasure to hold and keep forever.

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