Monday, July 21, 2014

Day 65, 21 July

30 visitors

We had a glorious warm, sunny morning that greeted us today. I had just put up the flag and was walking back to the house when a visitor greeted me on the steps. I had a nice chat with the gentleman who visit’s here every year. His daughter has the significant distinction of being the very first person that used the outhouse at the cove! The boy scouts were putting the door on as the final step and the little girl needed to use it immediately so they gave her the honors. I managed to squeeze in a shower, breakfast and some blog writing before the visitors started coming in like lemmings! –HA! We had a steady stream between private boats and Ethan’s ferry. One group offered me a sandwich to make up of meats cheese and bread, which I gladly obliged.  I did sneak into the house to squirt some mustard on my haphazard sandwich, that they were so kind to offer. They also had wine and although tempted I said I was on duty and would refrain – darn!  Can’t look like a lush in front of the visitors.
Lighthouse with Partial Rainbow taken Late the Previous Day

After everyone left I made tuna salad and chicken salad sandwiches for lunch, my second sandwich of the day! My yellow jacket bitten wrist and heel were swollen a bit and itched like the dickens all day long and I tried to refrain from tearing my flesh off in both places.  Damn those evil, yellow-coated disciples from Hell!  As I was opening the kitchen screen door the ring finger on my left hand caught and I heard a pop and felt the knuckle hurt. Dang! Now I hurt my finger and it did swell up a bit and was very achy. Won’t be playing my violin tonight with that sore finger!
Fred Rowing the Dingy in the Cove

As the afternoon winded down we went down to the boathouse dock to relax and read. Fred took a row out to the keeper box to see if Jackson left lobsters early – he didn’t. He then went by a pretty white sailboat in the cove and chatted with them. He eventually came back and we took a row together in the cove. This time we went to the right first, along the rocky sides that are always lit up so classically Maine like in the late afternoon. I love the way they look like that. We crossed over and waved to the sailboat people who had a cute little curly coated black dog on board. We went over to the left rock cliff coastline and checked out the pair of osprey that were hanging out in a dead pine tree. On we went to find 3 young seagulls standing low on the rock cliffs, calling to their parents and bobbing their bodies. How cute they were like Manny, Moe and Jack of the Pep Boys. We saw a few ducks with their young and went by where I had gathered my muscles. I started to get the itch again to retrieve a few dozen more. We went by the mini forest on the edge with a few seagulls hanging about. We wondered if they had young hidden about the rocks. We continued on to the beach in the cove and jumped out to secure the dinghy in its usual place. Fred went up to the house while I stayed a little while picking up sea glass at the low tide. I finally went up to the house to check on Sac sleeping in her favorite place near the grill and chive garden. As I went up Fred was spraying for poison ivy, which was creeping into the trail.  I spied an orange thing in the trail that I thought was somebody’s baby carrot but it turned out to be a very slow moving slug! Fred started weed whacking the South tail and I eventually wandered down it with the shears to prune any needed stuff. I went to the very end vista point and saw the two baby seagulls, which were almost full size now. I did linger to take sunset pictures and enjoy the sunset from this southern most point on the island. I did get some shots with sunset, the cliffs silhouetted with seagulls and a few flying about. Before I left I saw the 2 babies close together down on the cliffs and they started calling and bobbing their heads and bodies like the ones I saw at the cove. Back I went to get back before too many mosquitos chewed on me. They gnawed on me a bit as I was taking sunset pictures and started to itch along with my bee stings.
Seguin Island Slug
We got dinner for our beloved little daughter and I got the hair- brained idea of making Kim’s Easy Enchiladas. I had all the fixings except tomatoes and or guacamole. So I followed her recipe religiously as she wrote it down and after a mess in the kitchen of many pans we had very delicious 3 layered cheese enchiladas with my fresh lettuces, chives and cilantro from the gardens. I do hope Kim is proud of me and I’m so glad I asked her to write down the easy recipe – which it really is. I had never fried anything in corn oil and I had to do that for the corn tortillas that she left us. I learned to keep that oil HOT! I used two cans of enchilada sauce that I found at Shaw’s. One can was a mild red sauce and the other a medium green sauce by La Presidenta brand. The two together made a delicious medium spicy and yummy enchilada
Seagull Chick Near Southern Tip of Island
sauce. My fresh greens from the garden really topped it off. I just love walking out to my garden and getting such fresh home grown greens! See Kim – my garden is so wonderful with your help!

So after our usual late dinner we watched the news and Fallon and got very tired with my knitting – 23 rows completed. Fred washed up and I passed out on the couch with a sleeping and content Sacatar on her bed. We started her back on her daytime med which made a big difference.  Fell asleep and woke up to finally get to bed as the sun was coming up with dreams of spicy enchiladas tempting my taste buds again.

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